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This page will detail the basics of computing with DRAGON group's servers (astro01 and astro02). The software is loaded on there through the module system.


To see the various modules/packages available to load, you can issue the following command.

module avail

You can see which modules are currently loaded by typing

module list

To load a specific module, one would use

module load [module]

Conversely, to unload a module,

module unload [module]

To see more information and or help with this, the module man pages can be referenced either on the world wide web, or by typing

man module

Loading ROOT

There are two versions of ROOT available to load (5.34.36 and 6.18.04) These can be loaded by issuing the following command for the respective root versions

module load root/[version]

Therefore, for the current modules installed, one cay type

module load root/5.34.36


module load root/6.18.04

To unload it, you would simply issue

module unload root/[version]