Technical Drawings

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List of Useful Drawings

File Name Description
ISK0141D.dwg ISAC Experimental Hall Beamlines
ISK0142D.dwg ISAC Experimenatl Hall Geometry
IHE0050D.dwg DRAGON Beamline Layout
IHE0058D.dwg HEBT Beamline Corner
IHE0059D.dwg HEBT2 Beamline to DRAGON gas target
IBD1160D.dwg Final Slit Box

How to Access Drawings

Drawings are stored on the windows network drive TRWIN.

To access TRWIN on windows:

  1. Go to file explorer and right click "this PC"
  2. select "map network drive..."
  3. set drive to "G:" and type "\\\groups" for folder
  4. make sure "Reconnect at sign-in" is selected and click Finish
  5. enter your TRIDENT credentials (Note: if logging in with TRIDENT credentials does not work then you may not have a TRWIN domain set up. In this case make a helpdesk ticket to set up TRWIN access. )

Drawing files can be found for DRAGON at the path: "G:\drawings\ISAC\drawing-folder\drawing.dwg" where the drawing folder is the second two letters in the drawing file name.

Note: if you want to use the drawings for measurements DO NOT save the files as *.edrw because it will no longer retain the ability to measure in eDrawing, it must be saved as *.drw

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